Mother Nature's Birth Pains

The wind blows the dark clouds over the forest.
Thunder rolls through the sky as the lightning strikes an old dry tree, and it starts to burn.
The wind's sweet breath turns into a furious wail.
It feeds the fire that begins to roar in it's rage.
The animals smell the smoke, and flee for their lives. Jumping,Flying, or crawling, they do what they can to survive.
The flames reach out it's fingers to touch each leaf and twig.
It feeds on the wind's fury and the dry brittle forest, as it spreads, and consumes all it touches.
The clouds feel left out, and so they start to weep.
It starts out with only a few tears, that quickly become an uncontrolable downpour of sobs.
The thunder rumbles & shakes the ground showing it's discontent.
As the clouds pour forth their tears, it soaks the trees & ground &
everything in it's path.
The fire's rage simmers down until it is just smoldering embers on the ground.
After the the ground is soaked and the fire gone, the wind blows the clouds away.
The sun shows it's shinning face down on the scard, burnt earth.
Through the ashes of the death of the trees, the forest becomes renewed as the cycle of life starts over again.
Copyright ©2004-2005 Countess Demetria
Hi Countess...
Thanks for the tip, I think anyone can comment now.
Neat poem, you missed a chance for a dark moment though, with the clouds weeping. The destructive power of a flash flood really fits in with the image of birthing pains, to me...(That's meant to be constructive, not a negative comment at all...)
Thanks again, and best wishes,
great poem Countess!! You are getting very good. It stormed here (yes, in Phoenix) yesterday and reminded me of this poem. Great imagery. Can't wait to see you in the flesh...the dark flesh of a goth chick
love you
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