My Heart Sings

My Heart sings your name Oh Lord,
God Almighty, The Most High, Sovereign Lord,
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
The Mighty One of Israel,
Holy Father, Lord Above All,
The Eternal God, God the King,
I Am Who I Am,
The Rock, The Holy one of Israel,
You who breathed life into the Heavens and Earth,
Your name is above All Names,
My Love for You grows with each passing day,
I praise your Name, and give you the Glory,
I await the day when I go home to be with you.
To God be the Glory forever and ever,
In Jesus Holy Name I pray, Amen
Copyright ©2005 Countess Demetria
This is a Poem Prayer for God.
God Bless You, and Yours-
Countess Demetria