A Journey Through The Global Village of Guatemala
This past weekend April 22nd - 24th, I went to an environmental writers workshop. It was at a wonderful environmental Non pofit organization called Heifer Project. The headquarters are here in Little Rock Arkansas! The Heifer Ranch where we stayed was an hour away. Here is the web site for you to check out. It is very great thing to donate to, to help the hungry of the world be able to feed themselves! http://www.heifer.org/
There at Heifer Ranch they had a Global Village of Guatemala. It was a replica of a village in Guatemala to show us Americans and anyone else that goes to the Heifer Ranch what they have to live like. It is very eyeopening and I wrote a poem in Haibun form about my journey through the village.
The Writing workshop was wonderful and I learned so much. One thing I learned was how to write a form of Japanese poetry called Haibun. That is what this kind of poem is: Haibun.
A Journey Through The Global Village of Guatemala
Carefully hiking through the woods, watching my feet so as not to trip. See flowers beside water. Take a picture and move on.
cool breeze
leaves rustle
rocks crunch underfoot
Walk up cut steps in hill. Come upon huts in a group. Explore inside of huts, seeing how people live. Four flimsy walls make one hut.
walls of tin
cardboard patches
broom on dirt floor
Walking up the rocky path towards the next destination. I feel hot from the hike, so stop to take off my sweater. I take a drink of water before continuing on. I stop to watch people collecting water from the pond to pour in a trough for goats.
heat rising
cool refreshing water
observing others actions
Copyright ©2005 Countess Demetria
All rights reserved.
The Distance of the Heart
The man of my dreams has come into my life and,
and has stolen the key to my heart!
The physical distance is very far,
yet our hearts are very close. May the distance between us,
be but a step within our hearts.
Fate's hand has shown us the way,
now we just need to follow.
When at last we finally meet our
bodies, hearts and souls can bind and become as one.
Copyright ©2007 Countess DemetriaAll rights reserved.
Bleeding Heart
Dark clouds swirl around my heart,
Waring with the sun who wants to come in.
My heart is being pulled into a back void,
while the sun tries to come to the rescue.
I can feel the blood oozing out of my heart,
as the sun tries to put the blood back in.
The outer wound of my heart starts to heal,
yet too much blood is lost and I am weak.
I lay still, unmoving, uncaring, unresponsive,
afraid to let my heart be exposed again.
Maybe someday the sun will be able to shine light on my heart again,
Until then I wait for my heart to heal on the inside before I let myself feel again.
Copyright ©2005 By: Countess Demetria
All rights reserved.
Immortalitiy's Curse
As I walk down this dark pathway,
seeking out my mortal prey.
I think upon how things have changed,
since my day turned into forever night.
Forever am I haunted by the silent screams,
I see in each humans eyes.
As I suck the life giving blood from their veins,
I absorb within my mind,
Their life experiences, emotions, hopes & dreams,
the essence of who they are.
Each time I walk among the humans,
I wander ever so close to danger's face,
For there is one who hunts me endlessly,
Forever trying to catch me off guard and unaware.
He is forever mine enemy throughout the centuries.
He carries a wooden stake in hand to plunge within my heart.
A slayer who's sole purpose in life is to kill those of my kind,
He is always seeking my trail looking for my lair.
I long for that witch I cannot have,
The sun upon my face.
Forever it seeks my death,
if I give into its embrace.
I am an immortal being for my time here on earth,
As wonderful as that may be to some, For me it is a curse,
for I cannot love nor have it returned,
Alone I shall ever be.
For what good is immortality,
if there is not one to share it with.
With all the centuries I have seen,
not one loving touch has caressed my face.
I walk alone down this dark path staying in the shadows.
slaying humans just so I can survive.
I continue on through the centuries,
always alone and forever in the darkness.
I have no friends to share my life,
nor love to share my burden.
No one sees me or knows I am there,
to them I am just the wind.
They see a candle flame flicker,
or a curtain blowing in the window.
Before they realize what is happening,
their heart stops beating forever.
Human blood is the only thing that keeps me alive,
I do not take it with pleasure, but only to survive.
I watch and wait in the shadows for a chance to take my prey.
choosing my victim carefully I walk towards him very softly.
I lure a man to his death deceiving him with my mind,
I seize control over him then take away his life.
Never did he know what would befall him this night,
he came to me like in a dream without knowing he would die.
I would trade this immortality at once,
if only I could have someone to love & them love me in return.
I want to embrace and love a man,
without the kiss of death upon my lips.
The life of an immortal being is nothing without love.
There can be no love without death's kiss in this immortal life.
Do not wish for an immortal life,
for with it comes a curse.
Copyright ©2004-2005 Countess Demetria
All rights reserved.
I wrote this poem for my Mother on
Mother's Day, May 9th, 2004.
This page is dedicated to her.
She is the Greatest Mom in the world!

I will always love and cherish you,
with all my heart!
You are the one who gave me life,
and a brand new start!
Thank you for all you have done for me,
in my life!
You have helped heal my hurts,
and taken away the strife!
You are my Mother, confidant, and friend!
Let's stay this way together,
and never let it end!
Copyright ©2004-2005 Countess Demetria
Written By: Countess Demetria
For My Mother
Mother's Day, May 9th, 2004
Please join me and the Defenders of Wildlife to help the Arctic National Refuge!
Click on the title of this post to Join the march to send a free message urging your senators to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge forever.
They are wanting to drill for oil in our Arctic National Wildife Refuge!
Please do not let this happen! Let your voice be heard!
Join for free and be part of the Earth Day Virtual March on April 22!
Thank you so much!