The Courtship
of Light
and Darkness

As the light pierces the darkness,
so does the darkness pierce the light
They do a beautiful dance each day,
one stepping forward then later stepping back
They give and take alike,
never one more than the other
The darkness surrenders to light,
then the light surrenders to darkness
They move in harmony as one,
in a dance forever locked together
They court each other with their song and dance,
always respectful of each others space
The darkness waits for the light,
to come and caress her face
Then the light waits for darkness,
so he can give into her embrace
Dancing together in an endless motion of flight,
they tease each other with caresses as the darkness
gives way to light
Copyright ©2005 By: Countess Demetria
sis..this is a very nice poem :)As the light pierces the darkness,
so does the darkness pierce the light
...i like it..this phrase is so deep..
Astute observations....
Are you Wiccan? The poem can be interpreted to express the duality within oneself which Wiccans are most observant, (I think).
Wiccans are most observant about these things, true... but mystics are more so. And by mystics, I mean *curandeiros* (or as it spelled where I come from, curadors... and curadeiras too!).
One can only see the Truth - or glance at it briefly - when attuned to the Spiritual... and not merely Nature and old myths.
Christianity without Spirituality has the same problem though...
One has to detach oneself from the material plane - whether it is the great outdoors and resplendence of it all... or the consecrated confines of a church... to achieve Enlightenment... and effectively pierce the darkness indeed.
Darkness will also pierce the Light - true.
It is all in the Order of Things - for now.
Fine poetry, Countess
Bravo! :)
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